
"Research for the Improvement of the Transportation of Students of the 2nd EPAL of Komotini in the framework of the zEROwASTERs Programme"

"Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for the Promotion of Sustainability and Recycling in the EPALs through the zEROWASTERs Programme"

"The Zerowasters of the 2nd EPAL planting the future: an action of experiential awareness for the environment"  

Extension of submission of entries for the "zEROwASTER Hackers" competition!

Eco Active's "Digital Game": cultivating Empathy and Environmental Awareness

The Zerowasters of the 2nd EPAL continue their experiential actions for the environment!

"Parents and Climate Change: Cultivating Sustainable Habits for the Future"

Experiential Training Seminar: "Parents & Climate Change - The role of the family in shaping a green culture"

Promoting Sustainable Mobility: The ZeroWasters Programme in Action

1.000 Transport tickets for the students: zEROwASTER's initiative

The Green Professions: The Future of Work and Sustainability

Green Jobs: The Future of Sustainable Development 29 November 2024 | Amphitheatre of the 2nd EPAL Komotini