Eco Active's "Digital Game": cultivating Empathy and Environmental Awareness

Eco Active, continuing its work in environmental awareness, presents the "Digital Game" platform for the adoption of trees. This innovative application combines the power of technology with the love of nature, offering students an interactive experience that helps them become active citizens.

How the Platform Works

The platform enables students to digitally adopt a tree, name it and track its growth. It also includes educational activities and quizzes on the value of forests and the importance of reforestation. Students are invited to upload photos and record their experiences, creating a personal environmental diary.

Cultivating Empathy and Responsibility

The process of adopting a tree, even digitally, enhances the empathy of the students. Through interaction with the platform, they understand the importance of caring for the environment and the impact of human actions on nature. Moreover, by participating in tree planting activities and posting photos of the trees they have adopted, they experience the joy of contributing and the responsibility of protecting the environment.

From Theory to Practice: students-active citizens

Eco Active's digital game does not stop at theoretical information. Through competitions, collaborative projects and team missions, students are encouraged to propose solutions to environmental issues and participate in local community actions. This fosters a sense of participation and collective responsibility.

The Future of Environmental Education

The "Digital Game" platform is a modern tool that integrates technology in environmental education, making learning more attractive and interactive. The aim is to inspire the young generation to shape a sustainable future, with respect and love for nature.

With the support of Eco Active, education becomes a reality and students become tomorrow's active citizens, ready to protect and care for our world.

As Eco Active, in consultation and collaboration with schools and organisations, we are able to share this tool with those who need it, in order to strengthen the spread of environmental awareness and empathy to even more students and communities.

Contact us for more information about the possibilities of cooperation.

Ministry of Environment and Energy
Key Action:
Natural Environment and Innovative Actions 2022
Action Type:
Innovative actions with citizens
Green Fund
Decision of the Board of Directors of the Green Fund No. Decision 268.5.1/2023


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