Towards a Green Future: Erasmus+ and the Circular Economy in Komotini

In 2023, the Erasmus+ programme brought together young people from all over Europe for an educational trip to Komotini, Greece, to strengthen the circular economy and address local and global environmental challenges. This action aimed to activate and empower young people (18-30 years old), giving them the tools and knowledge to become leaders in the transition towards a sustainable and circular economy.

Learning and Experiences: From Theory to Practice

During the 7-day programme, participants gained knowledge about the circular economy, renewable energy, and recycling, and discovered ways to incorporate ecological habits into their daily lives and their local communities. In addition, they had the opportunity to work with other young people from different countries and exchange ideas and strategies for action.

Collaboration and the creation of strategies and action plans were also central to the action, allowing participants to approach sustainability through practices and actions that will bring positive changes in their daily lives and in the lives of others.

Discovering Komotini and Supporting the Local Economy

The programme was not only theoretical. Participants had the opportunity to visit local businesses that support circular economy practices and to experience first-hand how small businesses incorporate sustainability principles into their daily operations. Whether through supporting local food production or supporting recycled products, young people had the opportunity to experience the impact that a green approach can have on the local community.

The Power of the Network: A European Experience of Learning and Cooperation

The participants, 51 young people from 7 countries (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, North Macedonia, Turkey, Lithuania and Italy), had the opportunity to work together and exchange ideas and experiences. Through this international cooperation, the participants were not only empowered personally, but also professionally, developing a strong network that will support them in future ecological initiatives.

Ready for Action!

The programme concluded with the presentation of the projects developed by the participants. These projects, ranging from local awareness campaigns on sustainable consumption to actions to promote recycling, are the first steps towards creating a more sustainable and circular society.


The Erasmus+ programme in Komotini was not only a learning experience. It was a step towards building a better, greener future. For the young participants, it was the beginning of a journey full of knowledge, partnerships and opportunities to change the world around them.

An important step towards a more sustainable and green future!

Key Action:
Action Type:
KA152-YOU - Mobility of young people (KA152-YOU)
Erasmus+, INEDIVIM


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