Zerowasters Leaflets: a guide to Environmental Awareness

In the framework of the sub-project "P.1.1.4 Creation/Design of 5 Information Leaflets", five information leaflets were created, addressed to students, teachers and parents, providing useful information about Zero Waste and other environmental initiatives. These leaflets are designed to raise awareness and education around sustainability, offering practical solutions and suggestions for everyday life.

The leaflets include basic information about Zero Waste and show how everyone can contribute to protecting the environment with simple and effective actions. Each leaflet is accompanied by QR codes, which link to the project website, providing further information and access to additional resources on environmental issues.

The five brochures cover the following thematic areas:

  1. Zero wasters at home - Tips and ideas for implementing Zero Waste principles in the home environment.
  2. Zero wasters at school - see what you can do - Guidance on engaging and integrating Zero Waste practices in the school environment.
  3. Do you know what Zerowasting is? - Introduction to the basic concepts of Zero Waste and how you can contribute to green change.
  4. Green Jobs - Want to become a Zerowaster? - Explore professional opportunities and careers in the Zero Waste field.
  5. The Zerowasting Schools - Presentation of schools that have adopted Zero Waste principles and successful examples.

These leaflets are a valuable tool for disseminating knowledge and promoting environmental awareness. By integrating them into the learning process and everyday life, they empower users to take an active role in creating a sustainable future.

Ministry of Environment and Energy
Key Action:
Natural Environment and Innovative Actions 2022
Action Type:
Innovative actions with citizens
Green Fund
Decision of the Board of Directors of the Green Fund No. Decision 268.5.1/2023


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